Tuesday, August 23, 2011

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Compost - the perfect recipe

!±8± Compost - the perfect recipe

Many people think that composting is difficult and unnecessary, because there is no fertilizer, and is "right out of the bag!" Now believers passionate about composting, you can tell the difference, and will be a complete list. We do only the three most important reasons to pay for compost.
1 Think of tomatoes from the garden in front of the grocery store. The taste of vegetables and fruits composting, are much more rich and tasty.
There are 85 2% vitamins and more nutrients.
3 ChemicalsAdditives (nutrients and killing people).

Here's the easiest way to find out as compost. Your goal is to build it, a pile of compost, the optimal conditions for the spread of these hardworking micro-herds, the garbage will turn into cash back! These micro-organisms in size in a rich soil or compost pile to find another. Want to be a helpful hint? Find the neighbor with the best compost pile, and ask them to trade a bucket or two of dirt. You can alsoshopping bags activator in garden supply shops. All they need to survive and prosper is a balanced diet, water, air and heat.

What exactly are thrown on our wonderful helpers? All that the living origin can (composting, but the quality and quantity of materials used to influence the process and determine the nutritional value of the finished compost. Bodies compost requires the right ratio of carbon for energy and nitrogen for form a protein called C / NRelationship to function effectively. If the C / N ratio is too high (carbon), slows the decomposition and the nitrogen is exhausted. Too low C / N ratio (nitrogen too) nitrogen waste escaping into the air, causing unpleasant odors in the water, creating pollution problems.

The ideal C / N ratio of 25:1 to 30:1 is easy to build your stack of alternating layers of high carbon materials such as sawdust reached, and a high nitrogen materials like grassScraps. In general, the high-carbon, brown or yellow, dry and bulky. High-nitrogen materials are generally green, moist and often sloppy. If you see a wide variety of waste is high or high-carbon-nitrogen available to make the effort, ingredients, searching for your micro herd with the right balance of nutrients.

Most organic materials provide a wide range of other nutrients needed by plants and compost. The greater the variety of materialsYou are in your compost, the better your security is to create a nutritionally balanced product. Compliant with the additions of mineral materials such as rock phosphate or green, and the adaptation of the nutrients in your compost on the needs of your soil and plants.

Many new compounds have noticed the smell makes the practice. The smell is a sign that you need to adjust the pH. You can use the "Instant Fix" use lime to moderate pH and odors, but it is not so desirable. Here's whyIf you mix son (who is in the best batteries) lime causes the release of nitrogen into the atmosphere as ammonia. This reduces the need of nitrogen that plants and organisms. Therefore, you get rot, causing the smell.

Replaced because it provides calcium through the calcium you are looking for, use lime to seek additional supplies of crushed eggshells, bone meal or wood ashes (not "treated" wood known carcinogens), which also Kali. Such as lime, ash, alkalineand increase the pH of your compost. Use of wood ash in moderation to avoid high pH levels that inhibit microbial activity and limit the absorption of nutrients by some plants.

There are some organic materials to be avoided when composting. Human and animal feces can carry pathogens, meat scraps, bones, fat and strength of materials very slowly and the animal moves. Some of these wastes with high content of heavy metals, pesticide residues or other highly toxic substances are contaminated. If yourPlan includes industrial waste composting, get a complete laboratory analysis for possible contamination before adding to your stack of such waste.

All living organisms need water, but too much moisture in the air moves, drowning the pile, and it washes nutrients. Good compost is as moist as a damp sponge. There are several ways to control the humidity of the compost pile. Build your pile on a site that is well drained. If necessary, start the compost pile with abottom layer of sand or gravel to ensure that the heap never puddles. Sprinkle each layer with a watering can or garden hose as you build the stack. Composting requires water, controlling moisture every few days and, if necessary, add water when you turn the compost. Layer of very wet, sloppy materials (fruit waste, etc.) with an absorbent ingredients such as shredded leaves or sawdust. Turn your pile to release excess moisture, prevents adequate heating. Protect yourBatteries from the elements. Mixture in a covered container, or place a layer of hay or straw or a tarp over the pile. Make your work with pile weather. In humid climates, a battery with a round, convex, or pushes the excess water, a sunken or concave, can pick up the pile of water needed in dry climates.

Living organisms need air to survive. The air supply enough to encourage all parties to a compost pile a complete decomposition, is perhaps the key to successful composting.Frequent rotation is the easiest way to do this, but there are other techniques of ventilation, in addition to, or use it instead of three: building a base of coarse material such as brush or wood chips under the piles on the penetration of air from the low. Leave Shred permit, hay and garden debris before composting. Use materials such as paper and grass sparingly because they tend to be dense mats in the wet. Insert rods into the pile when it builds and then movethen as an open-air passages. You can also holes in the garden or compost with a fork crowbar. Hide perforated pipe drain intervals in a passive compost pile as an excellent way to improve ventilation. Sunflower stalks and straw also bring air into the pile. However, do not use corn stalks, because they are not plausible to go and come to the right. Limiting the height and width of the cell 51 to 6 meters to avoid compression. There are no length limits.

A big pile of compost to interfereVentilation, but a minimum size of 3 feet in any dimension is always right for the heating necessary. Under the proper C / N ratio, moisture and aeration, the compost is heated in the winter cold. A hot pile can reach temperatures of 160 ° F, but satisfactory results are achieved when we cook together at about 120 ° C. North compost piles at times isolate with hay or leaves to keep the compost in the winter.

The type of structure used forComposting can vary greatly depending on the materials available, the needs of the gardener, and the climate. A structure is not mandatory, but can be used to hide your pile. They should be wood (untreated), plastic, concrete, bricks, wire, stones, or other material is weather resistant product.

Compost - the perfect recipe

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Venturing up of Worms for profit: how to make money

!±8± Venturing up of Worms for profit: how to make money

There are lots of ways to make money. But if you are already a gardener or increase a worm composter (alone and breeding worms simply for personal reasons), then the worms for profit may be the best place for you. After the compost worms as pets can not only help you safely, to make money. You can control the sale of these worms (red wiggler worms if they are night owls or European) in its present state or to sell their organic product. It can certainly be more thanTheir options for reading more of this article.

Maintaining a worm farm can be used for different things. It can also feed your worms to various kinds of fish (those that are kept in aquariums or ponds), and other animals like amphibians (turtles), birds, or do these different dealers sold (eg farmers selling commercial aquariums and laboratories). But apart from the worms as fish bait (the bait that fishermen with love) are used. Now increaseWorm fishing in this way can also be raised and bred for composting. Composting worms are actually able to compost, bio-is taken. This is known as humus. You can also sell them as is.

Well, if you have not started your own worm farm, still, there is no problem. Anyone can engage in this type of activity, even your kids! And as you will not even cost too much. It 'easy to assemble and is very economical to maintain. You can easily learn how to increaseWorms and start with the acquisition of a large ensemble loss. You can use one from a local hardware store or just a recycling of your plastic trash cans. In any case, can only work until there is a cover / lid with him.

The next step is to prepare the bed for your worms. This should be organic fragments, and needs to be moist all the way (it should have the consistency of a wrung out sponge). The worms will thank you for this, because they need it, are kept in a humidEnvironment (because they breathe through their skin). I keep them in a dry run for their worm to die on the spot.

Apart from that, prepare the worms and organic foods (preferably ground, mixed, or cut you into little morsels). No matter if you raise or raising worms for composting worms as bait, the food source is always the same. You can feed them scraps from the kitchen or garden, not only when they are (as is much more difficult to breakdown andonly the destruction of the trash): meat, poultry, fruit, seafood, dairy, citrus and vegetable-based, as well as products, oily, salty and spicy they are.

The last step in the realization of this project is to put in your favorite type of worm. Start with a small escort. You no longer need to keep buying a new batch of worms, as these slimy creatures can double in numbers sooner or later (red larvae or night owls are recognized as prolific breeders).

AlwaysRecall that vermicomposting is an economic project. So hear this if you know you would not dare want to benefit from the growth of worms now? You can pay that much, since there are already developed and maintained. Apart from increasing the profits the worms in the comfort of your own home is something that will be worth your time. It gives you the luxury of time, more with family and friends to spend.

Venturing up of Worms for profit: how to make money

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Compost in 40-liter container for container gardening recycle debris to the compost

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