Monday, November 21, 2011

Free Topsoil for Garden - I'm Filling Hole with Compost I dug a hole in the ground to make another compost pile. Instead of throwing kitchen scraps into the trash (which then go to the landfill), I will be putting them in the hole I dug. This might take a year to fill up. When the hole is filled with home-made compost, I will begin growing garden plants in it. Yes, some of the small trees will have to go and I'm not happy about that, but I need to expand my organic garden space and need more sunlight, which the trees are blocking. I'll remove some of the small trees and let the big trees stay. I'll have to work around them as I increase the size of my garden space. I was surprised how rich the soil is under the canopy of trees and fallen leaves. Why buy topsoil when you could dig it up from your property... this garden soil is free with the added bonus of a "free" workout. No gym membership required. :-) Gardening can be good exercise if you use hand tools instead of automated equipment.

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Vermicomposting - Raising Red Wigglers For Fun and Profit

!±8± Vermicomposting - Raising Red Wigglers For Fun and Profit

What is vermicomposting? Vermicomposting is an accelerated form of composting employing the use of worms. In fact, the use of worms results in a process that is about 30 times faster than a typical compost pile without worms.

Not just any type of worm is suitable for vermicomposting; for instance, your garden variety earthworm can not withstand the temperatures found in a worm composting bin. There are a few species of worms that can handle these temperatures, however, including Eisenia foetida and Eisenia hortensis. These are more commonly called red wigglers and European night crawlers, respectively.

Even though European night crawlers and red wigglers are both raised for fishing bait; the prolific nature and voracious appetite of red wigglers make them the ultimate composter. Given the fact that the Eisenia foetida can reproduce at such a rate that they double their population approximately every 2 months, you will always have an abundance of worms. These excess worms may be used not only for bait, pet food, or a nutrient-rich supplement to your organic garden; but, they may also be used to expand your composting system and sell for a profit. Eisenia foetida sell for about to per pound, which consists of approximately 1000 worms. Their ability to consume as much as their own weight each day, means that they can process large amounts of household waste, which they transform into the ultimate organic compost.

The diet of red wigglers is very diverse; they will eat vegetable and fruit scraps, coffee grounds and filters, tea bags, pulverized egg shells, pasta, rice, manure from vegetarian animals, lawn clippings, and their own bedding of paper and cardboard. You are probably throwing these items in your garbage pail right now, which are ending up in landfills or being burned. The list of things that worms can not eat is much shorter. Meat, dairy and oils are not recommended because of their slow decomposition rate and likelihood of attracting unwanted pests. Acidic foods such as citrus fruits and vinegar should be avoided. Pulverized egg shells in their diet will usually keep the pH at a tolerable level for your worms. If this isn't sufficient, calcium carbonate (lime) may be added to neutralize their environment. Salt is deadly to your worms; therefore, it should definitely be excluded from their diet.

Vermicomposting is growing in popularity worldwide, as more people are becoming more ecologically aware. Some people want to get rid of that smelly garbage pail and help the environment at the same time. Others enjoy seeing the smiling faces on their children and grandchildren as they learn to care and feed for their pets. Everyone profits from the worm, whether the reward is the compost, the cash, or the priceless smiles. Vermicomposting with red wigglers is becoming ever more popular because it is both fun and profitable!

Vermicomposting - Raising Red Wigglers For Fun and Profit

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