Monday, November 21, 2011

Free Topsoil for Garden - I'm Filling Hole with Compost I dug a hole in the ground to make another compost pile. Instead of throwing kitchen scraps into the trash (which then go to the landfill), I will be putting them in the hole I dug. This might take a year to fill up. When the hole is filled with home-made compost, I will begin growing garden plants in it. Yes, some of the small trees will have to go and I'm not happy about that, but I need to expand my organic garden space and need more sunlight, which the trees are blocking. I'll remove some of the small trees and let the big trees stay. I'll have to work around them as I increase the size of my garden space. I was surprised how rich the soil is under the canopy of trees and fallen leaves. Why buy topsoil when you could dig it up from your property... this garden soil is free with the added bonus of a "free" workout. No gym membership required. :-) Gardening can be good exercise if you use hand tools instead of automated equipment.

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